Wednesday 30 May 2007

Idiot of the Week - Kent Hovind aka Dr. Dino

Everyone knows Kent Hovind is an idiot right?

Not true. A couple weeks ago I got a bulletin from this Idenybriansapient creep. In it was a video.

I know, I know...I just finished talking about how I don't do blogs about videos. But this is really just the inspiration. I've transcribed it and added some notes too (I am really too kind to you people): [click here]
For all normal, dial-up loathing computing persons, you can watch it below:

Now, Hovind loves using quotes out of context. So I'm going to use his quotes out of context.

From this video, we can clearly see that Hovind believes himself superior to all non-christians. He even speaks in tongues to illustrate this point since speaking in tongues is a gift of "th' spirit" n' only true christians have this gift. He could be pretending to speak Norwegian, or it could be just COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT of our beloved Swedish Chef from the muppets. All these things are up to interpretation, jus' like the bible. But I believe that Kent Hovind has expressed some blatantly obvious traits of a christian supremacist.

Hovind is superior to you because he isn't "racist" against Jews. Got that?
-- This can actually be interpreted several ways but since I could not be arsed doing any research, I'm going to interpret it my way. Many Jews don't believe Hebrew/Jew to be a race. Indeed, science tells us that there is only 0.1% difference in the genetic make up of any two people on the face of this earth. That means that although a Japanese man and a Nigerian man might differ in appearances vastly, they posses almost identical genetic makeup. Which is worse, classifying people into different ethnic and racial groups, or seeing all people as the same chemicals but of differing quantities?

Kent Hovind is a Christian Supremacist. Like many other christians, he believes that christians are morally, socially, genetically and mentally superior to non-christians. You think that's a little extreme? Christianity teaches that Jehovah is a jealous god and that Heaven has a limited number places to fill, all of which shall go to virgin, or possibly gay men. [Rev. 14:1-4] [There are numerous examples of sexism and bigotry in the bible. The Skeptics Annotated Bible is a great place to start reading about them.]

Kent Hovind has a wife and kids. He thinks they're inferior too.

Okay, it sounds silly. But you know that's what he's thinking; he's better than you, the people of Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia, the IRS, the Supreme court, the Law...Hell, he even assaulted one of his employees.

Hovind is better than the numerous evolutionary biologists that have firstly dedicated their lives to the pursuit of scientific enquiry...he's better than them because he has a correspondence degree and gawd on his side. He's more qualified to re-define evolution:
When I use the word evolution, I am not referring to the minor variations found in all of the various life forms (microevolution). I am referring to the general theory of evolution which believes these five major events took place without God:
1.Time, space, and matter came into existence by themselves.
2.Planets and stars formed from space dust.
3.Matter created life by itself.
4.Early life-forms learned to reproduce themselves.
5.Major changes occurred between these diverse life forms (i.e., fish changed to amphibians, amphibians changed to reptiles, and reptiles changed to birds or mammals).

From Hovind's $250,000 Offer

You see, this way when he says "No one has ever proven to me the theory of evolution" he isn't lying since his theory involves matter coming from nothing. This can't be proven because it simply cannot happen.


zero + magic word = 0

Even as ridiculous as it sounds, a magic word is something. (Think trees falling in the woods. Sound is vibration. Vibration is not possible without something to vibrate.) So really it should be:

Zero+magic word=time wasted.

Hey, you can try this one at home, kids. It's good science to test and test again. Maybe if you use a different magic word you'll create the heavens and the earth!

Vun, two, three contradictions ahahaha!

He's better than the people at his seminars because they pay him to teach them how to be fucking idiots...wait, that isn't right. If they were idiots they would not need lessons in it. Hovind teaches these idiots how to JUSTIFY pig ignorance. I am sure that the people who attend these seminars are probably only ignorant due to circumstance, but paying someone like Hovind to learn how to define evolution as evil, how to prevent your children from learning scientific explanations on the origin of life, how to demonize everyone that teaches something different than the biblical version of events is not just proving they're fucking idiots, it's also proof that they're hostile towards anything outside their nice little craters of ignorance.

It's no surprise then that he's been imprisoned to prevent him doing further damage. Even while in prison this snake oil salesman is trying to find ways to get out of ponying up on his fine for being a retardosaur. Hovind is better than the IRS, the supreme court and the law. People like you and me, we pay taxes because we're inferior. Our work is not "of the lord."

But seriously what makes Dr Dino a shining beacon of stupidity? Is it just the way he evangelising of the creation lie? Profiting from the ignorance of others? Discrediting evolution with fast talking, cosy ideas and a shit eating grin that would make Nixon blush? Getting caught for fraud and tax evasion? Each of these exclusively are idiotic but it's the combination that makes Kent Hovind the spectacularly stupid man he is.

This man really is completely clueless. He not only believes what he says, he has no idea what he is doing by profiting from the drooling meat-erectus that laugh and clap at the brightly coloured screens and funny talk then limp out to the lobby and purchase some smooth lookin' picture books or perhaps some refinery for Pa to gaze upon in wonderment during his crapper sabbaticals.

I have nothing else to really add, but this is possibly one of the funniest things ever. And it makes for a good after-thought. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Interesting... If someone tells me 1 + 1 = 1 then I would say that person is dumb. So in your words, I think I'm superior because of that?

You do nothing but attack him personally. All you do in this whole page is say: "He think of him as superior". Just because he knows 1 + 1 is not equal to 1.

Go read the book "The Human Shadow"...

Now.. I know you're gonna hate this comment as well. I understand why. I haven't even attack you personally. But judging from your blog... you like judging people. Kent Hovind is like: "hey, 1 + 1 is not 1, it is 2!" And you're like: "Heck you talking about?? I hate you Kent Hovind.".. lol Not once did I see you disproving his theory, or in fact proving your theory.

If he was wrong, would you attack him personally, or would you attack his theory first and then attack him? :P .. Interesting...

Look around you....
Look for everything that is blue....
Now close your eyes...
Tell me the things that is yellow...

If you believe in evolutions, that is all that you will want to see.
Same with creation...

Saint Gambi said...

Reading comprehension isn't your strong point, is it?

Anonymous said...

Anyone can personally attack someone, however refuting their points more difficult task. You did a horrible job of showing any un-factual about Hovind and his ministry besides the fact that you just don't like him. And your probably an avid evolutionist.

As someone who enjoys this subject or confrontation between these views, i look forward to reading comprehensive studies done on either side. The fact that you totally avoided refuting any given Hovind trivia, and didn't give any science for your claims against him, or for yourself is a sign of your an ignorant student. You talk from a assuming position of higher knowledge, yet show yourself to be lazy, who has more time to be emotionally heart struck throwing insults over the internet rather then being self confident, clearly showing where he's wrong and why.

When your arguing facts, the need for a personal attack suddenly vanishes. You don't sound like someone who wants the truth.


Someone who cares about science, not your personal whims and woes against someone you don't like.

Saint Gambi said...

Holy shit, I'm supposed to take criticism on board from someone who cannot properly use the word "your"? Nope. Go fuck yourself.

Someone without a single fuck to give.