Sunday, 12 September 2010

9-11 is a Joke

Just a little necromancy in the interest of indulging some friends' rage. Nothing to see here, move along. Was originally done in two parts, but I may just leave the other over on myspazz.

Americans get so fucking sentimental about their country and how their cherry got popped with 9-11.

Who did 9-11? Terrorists.
Why? Because you're rich fucking bastards.

Sorry. The truth hurts. You won't accept it. But you know I'm right.

I realise that it's a generalization and there are quite a few people who consider themselves exceptions. A few of them are even genuine. None of them are on the net. I'm not fucking stupid, I know you're all not rolling in dough. But before you hit "comment" you should fucking wake up to yourself if you really think you've got it bad when millions of people don't even have access to clean drinking water yet you ask us to feel for your loss when you don't even so much as acknowledge the losses of the rest of the world.

The US equates to less than 5% of the entire population of the world. They own 25% of the wealth. There are more people dying in countries you've never heard of from preventable diseases daily than Americans who died on 9-11. 9-11 is a god damned smokescreen. People like Alex Jones are just stupid. The real issues are not conspiracies and skull n' bones frats. You're being lied to by the very people who purport to advocate for you.

A few thousand Americans died six years ago. Get over it. There are millions suffering while you sit on your fat arse praying about 9-11, or debating conspiracy theories or protesting (read:reposting) for 9-11 truth. You fucking complain about gas prices out one side of your mouth and type bullshit bulletins about Alex fucking Jones' wikipedia page, squandering the very resource you're whinging about being so expensive. And you condemn others of hypocrisy?

There are real people suffering through real diseases and even more real threats of violence out here. Not human badges. Flesh, blood and bones once animated, now rotting into the ground all because the west finds the struggle for life liberty and the pursuit of happiness more romantic than mass graves. 9-11 truth is a joke. It's a fucking industry. These people have made a lot of money writing books, making documentaries, selling advertising on websites, even making movies (read:myths) about it perverting human suffering and dignity and you fucking idiot consumers that you are...YOU FUCKING LAP IT UP! This is how the people who perpetuate these myths see you. They know you'll never stop chasing the rabbit down the rabbit hole and they'll be right there beside you to sell you a shovel.

Sidebar: why is it whenever I talk about Alex Jones and his pathetic little fanboys I'm reminded of this Bill Hicks quote - "Says here on your application, you have no talent, and yet you want to be a star. I think something can be arranged....Suck Satan's cock."

Meanwhile your corporations conquer another third world country, your military sucks up even more resources, and your kids are spoon fed this sacharine bullshit that the US Of A has a monopoly on freedom and therefore they're more, it's their birthright to own more of this world. And this is all going on in your face while you bang the drum for truth?

Shit. This whole 9-11 bullshit pisses me off so much that I can barely articulate a coherent thought. It's just driving me insane that most of you that read this think you're amongst the skeptical elite yet you can't even see that this whole tragedy business is booming. Cynical? Sure whatever. You know what's cynical? When I saw that plane hit the second tower I laughed because I knew the media would latch onto this and hump it till it's threadbare. And it's far exceeded my expectations. Six years pass and people are still cashing in on it. And that's going to continue until the public loses interest.

So...Fucking get on with your lives. Appreciate what you have. Be thankful that it wasn't you in the buildings. Do something to help those less fortunate. But for fucks sake don't expect us to mourn your losses, America.

My most sincere apologies to those who did lose friends, family and loved ones in the Twin Towers or the Pentagon or the planes that were hijacked on 9-11. I am of course not insensitive to your personal grief and my sympathies are with you and your families. But I make absolutely no apologies for trying to slap some sense into these morbid freaks the US calls the media or the 9-11 truth movement.

Also, apologies to those who actually have an ounce of compassion. I realize that many of you who are subscribed here share these frustrations and are doing what they can to make this a more just and humane world. But it should never, ever be forgotten that the US is not the victim here, rather the victor. And you know what they say about them...


The title of this blog is taken from a public enemy song. Since most of myspace are too stupid to look beyond the literal meaning, and since Public Enemy are seemingly obscure and only remembered by people who adopt "alternative cultures," I present here for you the original context of "911 is a joke"

Originally the song was intended to be a commentary on attitudes within the public emergency services towards inner city neighborhoods.

Here it is intended to be a comment on American attitudes towards third world and war ravaged nations.

Now kids, go read the fucking lyrics and try to put it in context here.