Saturday, 2 June 2007

Kent Hovind - Nazism - Video & Transcription

This is from a larger speech where Kent Hovind argues that because the Nazis classified Jews as Not persons to justify the holocaust, the supreme court also uses Roe vs. Wade to justify abortion. However this part is about how "evolution" is akin to Nazism. Though, I think it is obvious to anyone with a 9th grade level education in biology that Hovind's idea of evolution is very skewed.

I find it hilarious that Creationists argue so vehemently that we absolutely did not evolve from something of lesser form. That there is no way that a single celled organism was the basis for all life on earth. Especially when those same creationists can look at a blastocyst and say that it's human.

Anyhow, those interested can google the theory of recapitulation which was the work of Ernst Haekle who, like Darwin and Nietsche, had his work twisted and sold as lies to the German people during World War II. Law of Recapitulation

This video illustrates perfectly how to be a complete idiot. The transcription is underneath. Hovind's sources are cited in [brackets] I've added notes and actions in [brackets] too.

Kent Hovind:
You know 1936 the german supreme court declared jews were not persons. That was the decision that opened the way for jews to be murdered after all they're not a person so you can't be guilty of murder when you kill one.

I been to Germany three times. I read lots of books on Hitler and the holocaust, just to keep my blood boiling. Hitler did what he did because of his belief in evolution. He thought he was helping out. He thought the Germans were the superior race, they deserved to rule the world. Hitler wanted to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution.

Hitler offered to send the jews to anybody who would take 'em. [Did] you know Roosavelt refused to let the jews come to America in 1938? They could of been saved, folks. Our President wouldn't let em come.

Hitler's book, Mein Kampf, showed his evolutionary thinking which he had probably since he was a boy. This guy says:

"Evolutionary ideas...lie at the basis of all that is worst in Mein Kampf" [Robert Clark, Darwin Before and After, Robert Clark, 1948 p115]

Hitler said it was "the duty of the strong to trample the weak." [The Evolution Conspiracy p. 65-66] He said "I have the right to exterminate an inferior race that breed like the vermin." [Creation Magazine vol 18, #1, p.9]

Hitler "singled out the idea of biological evolution as the most forceful weapon against traditional religion" [Danial Gasman, Scientific Origins of Modern Socialism: Social Darwinism in Ernst Haeckel and the German Monist League, 197 p, 158]

See, traditional religion like christianity says no body's better because of the colour of their skin. Hitler didn't like that idea. He said "Nature doesn't like the blending of a higher with a lower race."
[Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler p. 286]

He kept talking about "Aryan blood" and "lower peoples." Who's a "lower people," Adolf?

Well I found Hitler's hit list. I read lots of books about Hitler. Hitler thought the blond haired, blue eyed Norwegians were close to pure Aryan, the superior race. Could you follow all that? Blonde hair...[brushes hair back] Blue eyed... [prys eyelids open] Norwegian...[Swedish Chef impersonation? Speaks in tongues?]

He thought the Germans were mostly Aryan, the Mediterraneans were slightly Aryan, the Slavics were half Aryan, half ape. Orientals slightly ape, black Africans mostly ape, Jews close to pure ape. [The Hitler Movement p. 107]

[note - The graphic quote Hovind is using has the ethnicities and racial groups under one column as "Species" and the descriptions under "Blood Mixture"]

Hitler killed the jews because of his belief in evolution. He was trying to speed up the process, to help humanity out, get rid of the inferiors. Hitler also hated black people. Does anybody know where the olympics were held in 1936? Germany, that's right! Does anybody know who won the most gold medals? Jesse Owens, the Black American Athlete. Hitler was so angry he walked out of the stadium and said it's not fair to make my men race against this animal. [no source – Quotes from Jesse Owens]

Hitler said I think "christianity is the most fatal seductive lie that has ever existed."

[Adolph Hitler as quoted in Larry Azar, Twentieth Century in Crisis, 1990 p. 180] [Who the hell is Adolph Hitler? Could it have been one of Nietzsche's pseudonyms?-St. G]
Because Christianity teaches "God hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on... the earth." [Acts 17:26]

Now if you think you are superior to someone because of the colour of your skin number 1. you're wrong number 2. you're stupid, number 3. you're not right with god.
And I preach the same message in Georgia, and Alabama and Mississippi.
And I will preach it to the KKK: you're wrong.

I stood in Nuremberg, where the trial was held. Those guys, 50 years ago said, 'we did nothing illegal we were just obeying orders.' Yep and they were found guilty of murder, weren't they?

And just because our supreme court said that that unborn child is not a human not a person...That was the decision, 1973, Roe verses Wade...[cites graphic quote "In 1793 the US Supreme Court declared the word 'person' as used in the 14th amendment, does not include the unborn."] I don't care what the supreme court said, it's a person. It's a human at conception.